Wild Camper Truck on a dirt track


1. Minimum Hire

Minimum hire of a campertruck is 5 nights.

2. Passengers

Hajim Adventures Limited authorises the use of this vehicle up to 3 passengers including the driver.

3. Drivers

  • Drivers must be between 25 and 75 years old. A refundable security deposit of £800 to cover campertruck insurance excess applies to all our campertruck hires with UK drivers license
  • Drivers must provide Photo ID license prior to hire commencement plus 2 items of residential proof of the main driver (2 Utility bills from separate companies less than 3 months old is acceptable.)
  • Details of any additional drivers are required in advance of rental period.
  • Drivers are personally liable for all legal penalties (e.g. parking tickets) which are incurred during the period of hire.
  • All drivers must be present at the campertruck collection.

4. Campertruck Hire Rates quoted include:

  • Unlimited miles
  • UK standard vehicle insurance*
  • UK standard equipment & breakdown

* Insurance loading. In some cases, Hajim Adventures Limited will incur additional charges if the driver to be insured has a traffic conviction, is using a non-UK driving license or is aged 25-35. These charges will be passed onto the customers.

 5. Payment of your campertruck rental

Availability is on a request and confirmed  at the time of reservation.

Our terms and conditions including cancellation policy will apply from this point onwards. Once the reservation is confirmed, a confirmation email will be sent out to the customer.

A refundable security deposit is required 4 working days before rental period starts to cover insurance excess and any damages or road traffic fines incurred and will be taken automatically from your preferred payment card. Payment for the security deposit will be refunded 14 days after end of hire provided the vehicle being returned to the correct location, undamaged, with a clean interior with a fuel tank at the same level when collect.

The refundable security deposit can be paid by credit or debit card or BACS and must be cleared before we can release the vehicle for your campertruck holiday.

You irrevocably authorise Hajim Adventures Limited to deduct from the security deposit any amounts due by you to Hajim Adventures Limited arising out of this agreement, including, if applicable:

  • £100 cleaning fee. The camper truck needs to be returned as clean as you received it.
  • £100 toilet emptying and / or cleaning fee. It’s easy to do and our depot has facilities for you to do it. If we have to do it though, understandably we have to charge
  • £50 + cost of fuel to refill the tank
  • Damages. We replace like for like + £50 an hour if it’s something time consuming. We charge that same fee for cleaning anything soiled as well.

The deposit covers the campertruck insurance excess. If you have any damage to the vehicle, you will be liable up to this amount before the insurance pays. The only reason you wouldn’t be covered by the insurance is if you do not adhere to the terms and conditions (things like greelaning, driving under influence of alcohol etc.)

If you do damage the vehicle, we will get a quote and you will only pay for the damage plus any cost to us to get it fixed ie time to take vehicle to get fixed and fuel plus days off rental fleet. This will only be up to the limit of the security deposit unless you have not adhered to our terms and conditions.

6. Cancellation Charges

  • More than 6 weeks (42 days) prior to rental start date – 25% of the hire charge
  • Between 6 and 4 weeks prior to rental start date – 50% of the total hire charge
  • Less than 4 weeks before rental start date – 100% of the total hire charge,

NB : Hajim Adventures Limited cannot postpone or transfer money from one hire to another.

7. Rental and other charges

I will pay Hajim Adventures Limited:

  • all rental charges
  • the security deposit.
  • the nominated cancellation fee in the event of cancellation of this agreement prior to acceptance of delivery of the vehicle
  • the cost of any damage to the vehicle or the property of any third party.
  • all government fees and duties etc
  • all parking fines, other fines or penalties, and/or accidents including third party property damage not reported on return of the vehicle; and associated administration costs incurred in relation to the vehicle during the rental period
  • any other fees or charges payable by me pursuant to this agreement.
  • the daily rental rate for the period the vehicle is off fleet for accident repairs
  • the cost to recover a vehicle which has become bogged.
  • This cost is up to the insurance excess amount provided all Terms and Conditions are adhered to. If the insurance deems the insurance to be invalid due to inappropriate use of the vehicle and there has been a breach by the hirer of the terms of this agreement, then the hirer will be liable for all costs.

8. Payment of charges joint and several liability

All charges and expenses payable by me under this agreement are due on demand by Hajim Adventures Limited. If I do not pay all charges when due, I agree to pay a late charge of 1.5% per month on the outstanding balance and any collection costs incurred by Hajim Adventures Limited, including reasonable legal fees. When the customer comprises of more than one person, each person is liable jointly and severally for all obligations of the customer pursuant to this agreement.

9. Campertruck Collection and return

Collection: Please allow up to 1 hour for the hand-over of the campertruck to complete documentation and demonstrate our vehicle to you.

Return: Please allow up to half an hour on the return of your vehicle to hand over and check the condition of the vehicle. The vehicle must be returned by the date stated on the rental agreement.

I acknowledge that having received the vehicle in a clean condition and in sound working order in accordance with the departure checklist and with an agreed amount of fuel in the tank:

  • I will return the vehicle in a clean condition with an agreed amount of fuel in the tank, on the return date and time set out under the heading ‘check in’ in the rental agreement.
  • I acknowledge that Hajim Adventures Limited will not refund to me any monies, nor have any obligation to provide a replacement vehicle, if the vehicle is returned or I cease to have the use of the vehicle prior to the return date for any reason e.g. accident, weather or theft.

10. Title to vehicle

I acknowledge that Hajim Adventures Limited retains title to the vehicle and that I possess the goods as a mere bailee only. I do not have any right to pledge Hajim Adventures Limited credit in connection with the vehicle and agree not to do so. I shall not agree, attempt, offer or purport to sell, assign, sublet, lend, pledge, mortgage, let on hire, or otherwise part with or attempt to part with the personal possession of or otherwise deal with the vehicle.

11. Use of the vehicle

I agree that during the rental period, I will not and will not allow the vehicle to be:

  • Driven otherwise than in a cautious, prudent, and normal manner.
  • Used in a manner which could cause damage.
  • Driven in a prohibited area or in an area other than the areas indicated by me to Hajim Adventures Limited.
  • Driven by a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs or with a blood alcohol level more than that permitted by law.
  • Left with the ignition key in the vehicle while it is unoccupied
  • Driven by persons under the age of 35 years; or who is not authorised by law to drive the vehicle. Particulars of a proposed licensed driver of the vehicle are set out under the heading ‘driver details’ in the motor rental agreement.
  • Damaged by submersion in water or contact with salt water
  • Used for any illegal purpose for any race, rally, or contest
  • Used to tow any vehicle or trailer.
  • Used to carry passengers or property for hire or reward
  • Used to carry more persons than is permitted by any relevant authority or detailed in the vehicle manual or on the vehicle or specified in this agreement
  • Used to carry volatile liquids, gases, explosives or other corrosive or inflammable material
  • Otherwise used in breach of my obligations under this agreement.

12. Alterations to the vehicle

I shall not make any alterations or additions to the vehicle without the prior written consent of Hajim Adventures Limited

13. Maintenance

I shall take all reasonable steps to properly maintain the vehicle, including oil checks, water, and batteries.

I acknowledge that Hajim Adventures Limited will reimburse me for expenditure up to £50.00 reasonably incurred in rectifying any mechanical failure to the drive train and engine of the vehicle (not including the water system, refrigerator, heating, audio equipment) provided that:

  • I produce relevant receipts
  • I have received the prior consent of Hajim Adventures Limited
  • The damage is not due to my fault or my breach of this agreement.

Subject to the terms of this agreement, I will pay for the cost of repairing or replacing tyres damaged during the rental period if Hajim Adventures Limited will reimburse me for expenditure reasonably incurred if:

  • I produce relevant receipts
  • The tyre is defective and is returned by me to Hajim Adventures Limited for inspection; and
  • The manufacturer accepts liability under his warranty, I will be liable for any costs associated with the incorrect use of fuel  - these are diesel vehicles

14. Responsibility when accident occurs

In the event of any accident, loss or damage arising out of the use of the vehicle

  • I will notify Hajim Adventures Limited within 24hrs of the happening of the event
  • Obtain the names and addresses of third parties and any witnesses and report the event to the nearest police station.
  • Complete a European accident report form as supplied
  • Not make any admission of liability to other parties, settlement offer or other like offer.
  • Assist Hajim Adventures Limited in handling any claim arising from any event, including providing all relevant information and attending court to give evidence.
  • I acknowledge that the excess or other amount due by me in respect of any damage arising from an accident, loss or damage is payable at the time of reporting the event and not at the completion of the rental period.
  • I will pay for any costs relating to the delivery of a change over vehicle because of an accident regardless of which party is at fault.

15. Insurance

  • I agree that the vehicle is insured for fully comprehensive insurance for damage to the vehicle and the property and medical costs of a third party less the excess set by the insurers. (Please note that our insurance does not cover medical cover for our hirers; it only covers damages to our vehicle.)
  • I will have to pay an excess for any damage. The insurance excess is £800 as agreed and paid through our security deposit (or another amount requested and agreed by Hajim Adventures Limited insurers for customers with points or countries not covered by standard excess).
  • The security deposit is paid to cover the insurance excess and will be set against the cost for any damage to the vehicle. Our customers are liable up to the value of the security deposit paid for the insurances excess.
  • Please note that resolution of damage issues is time consuming to resolve and we reserve the right to charge an administration fee in addition to the repair cost.
  • I will not have any insurance cover and I will be responsible for the total cost of any damage if I am in breach of any of the terms of this agreement
  • An excess is applied for windscreen damage with £25 being applied for a chip to a windscreen and £80 being applied for full replacement of the windscreen. This will be taken off the hirers security deposit.
  • The customer will be responsible for damages to tyres and the cost of repair or replacement will come off the security deposit.

16. Release and indemnity of Hajim Adventures Limited

  • Subject to its obligation to deliver the vehicle, I release Hajim Adventures Limited, its employees and agents, from any liability to me (regardless of who is at fault) for any loss or damage incurred by me by reason of this agreement, including but not limited to:
  • Any loss or damage caused by breakdown, mechanical defect, accident or the vehicle being unsuitable for my purpose
  • Any loss or damage to any property left in or on the vehicle, in any service vehicle or on any Hajim Adventures Limited premises or recovered or handled by Hajim Adventures Limited.
  • Subject to any insurance arrangements agreed with Hajim Adventures Limited, I hereby indemnify and shall keep indemnified Hajim Adventures Limited, its employees and agents against any claims, demands and expenses (including legal costs) incurred or sustained by them or any of them by reason of my use and/or possession of the vehicle.
  • Instances beyond Hajim Adventures Limited control that means they cannot release the vehicle to me due to a prior accident or fault with the vehicle. In this instance, Hajim Adventures Limited will endeavour to find a replacement vehicle or give a full refund of the price of hire to the customer.


17. Road restrictions

  • All vehicles may only be driven on sealed / bitumen roads.
  • Greenlaning is not permitted
  • I acknowledge that Hajim Adventures Limited reserves the right at any time, at its sole discretion, to restrict vehicle movements in certain areas due to adverse road or weather conditions or any other reasonable cause

18. Pets

No pets allowed unless agreed and paid for.

19. Definitions of terms and conditions

  • Definitions of terms and conditions ‘i’,’me’ and ‘my’ refers jointly and severally to the person or persons who are the customers; ‘this agreement’ means the rental agreement, the insurance motor rental agreement and these terms and conditions. In the event of any discrepancy between these terms and conditions and any other Hajim Adventures Limited literature, the provisions of these terms and conditions apply.
  • Hajim Adventures Limited – ‘Means Hajim Adventures Limited
  • 'customer’ -Means the person or persons nominated as the hirer under the heading ‘hire details’ on the insurance motor rental agreement and any person whose credit card is presented in payment of the customer’s charges.
  • ‘living equipment’ – Includes but is not limited to tv/dvd player, cd player, crockery, cutlery, cooking utensils.
  • ‘rental period’ – Means the hire period referred to under the heading ‘booking details’ on the rental agreement or any agreed variation thereof and any additional period during which the vehicle is in the customer’s possession or control
  • ‘vehicle’ – Means the vehicle described under the heading ‘vehicle details’ on the rental agreement and includes tyres, tools, accessories, the living equipment and any other special equipment, documents related to the vehicle and any replacement or substitute vehicle which may be provided at the discretion of Hajim Adventures Limited.
  • ‘security deposit’ – Means the vehicle security deposit detailed under the heading ‘vehicle security deposit’ in the insurance motor rental agreement. The hire rate quoted includes a standard excess of £800 or other amount as agreed by our insurers for licenses without UK and EU.

20. Terminating the agreement

  • I acknowledge that Hajim Adventures Limited may terminate this agreement and repossess the vehicle at any time, without notification to me, and that I will pay the reasonable costs of repossessing the vehicle, including towing charges if;
  • I am in breach of any term of this agreement.
  • I have obtained the vehicle through fraud or misrepresentation.
  • The vehicle appears to be abandoned
  • The vehicle is not returned on the agreed return date or Hajim Adventures Limited reasonably believes that the vehicle will not be returned on the agreed return date;
  • Hajim Adventures Limited considers on reasonable grounds, that the safety of passengers or the condition of the vehicle is endangered. I understand that in the event of such termination or repossession, i have no right to a refund of any part of the rental charges or the security deposit

 21. Changes

Any changes to this agreement must be in writing and must be signed on behalf of Hajim Adventures Limited and by me.

22. Proper law

This agreement shall be governed by the law of England in which this agreement was signed.

23. My warranties

I warrant that all information supplied by me to Hajim Adventures Limited in connection with this agreement is true.

24. Entire agreement

This agreement - and the signed rental agreement - constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and there are no other oral undertakings, warranties or agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this agreement. Hajim Adventures Limited reserves the right to add or amend any rental charges without prior notice.



1. The Promoter is Hajim Adventures Ltd (company no. 14786321) whose registered office is at 3 Edgar Buildings, George Street, Bath BA1 2FJ.

2. By entering competitions, prize draws or giveaways run by the Promoter, you are indicating your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions and any supplementary terms and conditions applicable to the competition(s) or prize draw(s) entered.

3. Any supplementary terms and conditions relating to a specific competition, prize draw or giveaway, and how to enter, will be made clear in the corresponding competition or prize draw post.

4. Unless otherwise stated, competitions, prize draws and giveaways are open to everyone aged 18 years or over who are residents of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man except employees of the Promoter and their close relatives and anyone otherwise connected with the organisation or judging of the competition.

5. Unless otherwise stated, prizes can only be sent to a valid address within the geographical limits set out in Rule 4.

6. There is no entry fee and no purchase is necessary to enter competitions, prize draws and giveaways operated by the Promoter.

7. Details of how to enter our competitions, prize draws and giveaways can be found on the wild camper trucks website and/or social media pages.

8. One social media post or one mailing subscription count as an entry. Entrants are not restricted by the number of times they can enter. Automated entries or third-party entries will not be accepted.

9. The closing date for entry will be specified in the competition, prize draw or giveaway post. Entries received after this date, will not be accepted.

10. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any late entries or those received after the closing date for whatever reason.

11. The prize is as stated. The winner must pay the standard deposit and pay their own fuel use. They are also subject to the same post hire penalties. Prizes are not transferable.

12. Prizes are subject to availability and we reserve the right to substitute any prize with another of equivalent value without giving notice.

13. The Promoter offers and describes the prize(s) in good faith and is not responsible for inaccurate prize details supplied to them nor for any inaccurate descriptions provided to any entrant by any third party connected with this competition.

14. Winners will be chosen at random, unless the competition, prize draw or giveaway requires entries to be judged for creativity, skill, or judgement. Winners will be selected from all entries received and verified by the Promoter or its agents, unless otherwise stated on the competition, prize draw or giveaway post.

15. The winner will be notified by email or Private Message (PM) on social media within 28 days of the closing date. If the winner cannot be contacted or does not claim the prize within 14 days of notification, we reserve the right to withdraw the prize from the winner and pick a replacement winner.

16. The Promoter will notify the winner(s) when the prize(s) are sent out.

17. The winner agrees to the use of their name and image in any publicity material, as well as their entry. Any personal data relating to the winner or any other entrants will be used solely in accordance with current UK data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to a third party without the entrant’s prior consent.

18. You are providing your information to the Promoter and not to any other party. The information provided will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement.

19. Winners’ names will be published within 28 days after the closing date by means of a social media post

20. All promotions, competitions, prize draws and giveaways run by the Promoter are not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media company.

21. We reserve the right to cancel or amend any competition, prize draw or giveaway and these terms and conditions, without notice, in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or perceived breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of the Promoter’s control. Any changes to the competition will be notified to entrants as soon as possible by the promoter.

22. The Promoter’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the competition will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

23. All competitions, prize draws, giveaways, these general terms and conditions and any supplementary terms and conditions will be governed by UK law and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the UK.